Wow, Its been quite a while since I have posted here!
I've been a combination of either really busy or completely bogged down in an artist's block which ios sort of like writers block except... You know how it goes. Well, I am back in the swing of things and have alot of new news. My HGTV, "Thats Clever" episode was aired on January 29th, 2009 . Click on the link below to view.
Since then, Me and my bricks have appeared in hundreds of newspapers from coast to Coast after a write-up appeared in the CT Post was picked up by the Associated Press and distributed all over the place. I have received orders from Baltimore, Dallas an as far away as Alaska! The newspaper coverage is ongoing with a piece appearing in the "Easton Currier" announcing my current show in the Easton Library. My most recent piece, a re-vamped version of "Venus On a Half Shell", who appears taller and more proportioned and goes by the same title is on display in the main showcase along with Lou Gerhig/"Farewell to the Iron Horse", Dale Ernhardts "Last Lap" and some other favorites including my massive 5 brick sculpture "Horace" The Winged Dragon. The dates have been extended due to popularity through November 1st! I will also be working on a series of female bricks similar to "Venus" subjects are "Liberty", "Justice", "Freedom" and others yet to be named.
As usual my works are on display rtegularly at the Valley Arts Council's Gallery@37 which is located at 37 Elizabeth Street in Derby , Ct call 203 906- 4343 for hours .